If At First You Don't Succeed, Silence Toby Rogers
and anyone else who uncovers inconvenient truth that threatens the FDA's $cience
Unsurprisingly, Toby Rogers is again being silenced on social media while the FDA pretends to deliberate and review the clinical trial data that Toby explores in his work.
Please read these important posts, because they represent so many broken promises that will profoundly impact our children.
Of course it’s not just Toby. It’s any dissenting voice that people start listening to. But Toby is in the in-between place - he has thousands of followers, but his name is not yet mainstream enough for hit pieces (and perhaps mainstream media is finally seeing how those backfire) - so virtual jail and shadow banning seem the way to go.
What’s his crime? It seems that he’s getting too many people thinking…
He’ll inevitably be accused of sharing “misinformation”, but if he’s wrong, why not simply set the record straight? Shouldn’t that be part of the FDA’s “ongoing commitment to transparency”?
From a statement made by then FDA Commissioner Stephen M. Hahn in November 2020:
Let me be clear on a crucial point – the issuance of an EUA is based on data and science. For an EUA to be authorized, FDA’s career scientists conduct a rigorous evaluation of currently available scientific evidence about a medical product. We work with sponsors so that additional data about the product’s safety and effectiveness continue to be collected and reviewed. If the available scientific evidence changes or if new information becomes available, we can pivot and potentially adapt the EUA, including revising the authorized use or revoking the EUA. These are both steps that we have taken during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Was that just another pie-crust promise (“easily made, easily broken" - Mary Poppins)?
How about this?
From the pledge, signed by Pfizer, Moderna and other vaccine manufacturers, “meant to ensure the general public that coronavirus vaccines will only be approved for public consumption once their safety is guaranteed”…
The safety and efficacy of vaccines, including any potential vaccine for COVID-19, is reviewed and determined by expert regulatory agencies around the world, such as the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). FDA has established clear guidance for the development of COVID-19 vaccines and clear criteria for their potential authorization or approval in the US. FDA’s guidance and criteria are based on the scientific and medical principles necessary to clearly demonstrate the safety and efficacy of potential COVID-19 vaccines. More specifically, the agency requires that scientific evidence for regulatory approval must come from large, high quality clinical trials that are randomized and observer-blinded, with an expectation of appropriately designed studies with significant numbers of participants across diverse populations.
Following guidance from expert regulatory authorities such as FDA regarding the development of COVID-19 vaccines, consistent with existing standards and practices, and in the interest of public health, we pledge to:
Always make the safety and well-being of vaccinated individuals our top priority.
Continue to adhere to high scientific and ethical standards regarding the conduct of clinical trials and the rigor of manufacturing processes.
Only submit for approval or emergency use authorization after demonstrating safety and efficacy through a Phase 3 clinical study that is designed and conducted to meet requirements of expert regulatory authorities such as FDA.
Work to ensure a sufficient supply and range of vaccine options, including those suitable for global access.
We believe this pledge will help ensure public confidence in the rigorous scientific and regulatory process by which COVID-19 vaccines are evaluated and may ultimately be approved.
But let’s look at that “clear guidance” from the FDA. It started with this
“I know that 50 percent does sound low but that is still some protection, and some protection is better than no protection,” said Dr. Jeff Kwong, professor of public health and family medicine and interim director of the Centre for Vaccine Preventable Diseases at the University of Toronto.
And then the FDA actually lowered the bar…
And then there was the attempt to withhold clinical trial data for 75 years…
Let’s not forget that the FDA has known about the potential problems since the beginning. Much of what we’re seeing now is right there on page 16 of the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee October 22, 2020 Meeting Presentation. Here is the working list of possible adverse event outcomes the FDA promised to look.
But any time people try to point out how often these problems occur in people who have recently had their shots,
…“fact-checkers” appear with straw man arguments.
The FDA wasn’t the only one making promises. The American Medical Association (AMA) made similar promises in its open letter to the American public.
We are committed as organizations to supporting a rigorous scientific and regulatory process by which COVID-19 vaccines are evaluated and may ultimately be approved.
But its June 13 press release reveals AMA’s real goal to “bolster vaccine confidence.”
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the AMA has led numerous efforts to bolster vaccine confidence, advocate for science and confront disinformation and misinformation, including urging the CEOs of six leading social media and e-commerce companies to remain vigilant against the proliferation of both purposeful disinformation and unintentional misinformation on their platforms.
As part of a report developed by the AMA Board of Trustees, the new policy provides a comprehensive strategy aimed at stopping the spread of disinformation and protecting the health of the public, including actions that can be taken by the AMA, social medial companies, publishers, state licensing bodies, credentialing boards, state and specialty health professional societies, and by those who accredit continuing education.
Vaccine confidence is indeed so precious that medical certifying bodies have announced that doctors can loses their licenses if they share information that threatens it. So much for transparency.
So, unless you’re following people like Toby Rogers, Naomi Wolf, Meryl Nass, Jessica Rose, Igor Chudov, Diane Perlman and James Lyons-Weiler on Substack, you’re likely to be vulnerable to the ubiquitous, multi-billion dollar propaganda campaign that says these shots are “safe and effective.”
But let’s be clear. These shots have already been purchased.
Our health departments are already scheduling jab clinics for babies.
The labels have already been printed and the drugs produced.
They were ALWAYS GOING TO DO THIS. Universal cradle-to-grave shots was always the goal.
Toby and the other “meddling kids” are just standing in the way. You may want to hear them out… and maybe join them.
Thank you Ann!!! This is lovely! And the headline made me chuckle! Lots of us got banned by the Junta right before the FDA VRBPAC vote. I imagine Pharma just hands a list to FB, IG, Twitter, etc. and tells them to silence us for a bit. The truth always wins though. 🙌