Jun 14Liked by Ann Tomoko Rosen

Thank you for this important info.

I will pass it on to some Mil Members, if enough of them stand up and refuse in unison something will be done! Just like the Covid bioweapon shot. The DOD had big plans for shots every 6 months until people were dead. We all stopped it by objecting. Now they are accepting back those soldiers who stood up for them selves and suspected something was afoot.


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Jun 14Liked by Ann Tomoko Rosen

And they wonder why recruiting is down. Add this to the growing list of reasons to avoid present day military service.

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Jun 14·edited Jun 14Liked by Ann Tomoko Rosen

Such lying Bullshit the fake, fabricated excuse ( they always need one for the sheep to nod their heads ) of the " carbon footprint " AS IF THE DOD HAS EVER CARED ABOUT CREATING POLLUTION !!🤣 Would the nuclear bomb be considered pollution? The buried mines and chemicals everywhere ? The Lists go on...

If the idiots in charge and printing this stuff understood high school Biology they would understand that we need carbon ( dioxide ) in the air constantly so the plants can take it up and photosynthesize ( vegetation's process of life ) so they can expel Oxygen for humans and all mammals to breath.

The Evils think if they say this misinformation Propaganda about " carbon " enough time that people may start believing it. These people are truly deranged. Ask them what carbon is and they will not be able to answer!

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Once you see it, you can’t unsee it!

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Jun 14Liked by Ann Tomoko Rosen

Powerful & informative article - thank you ATR. Dear Lord, deliver us from evil & help us to help ourselves ...

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Jun 14Liked by Ann Tomoko Rosen

Thanks for the article! I always thought the quality of food at my local dining facility was the result of the lowest bidder on a contract. Now, I know it's something more nefarious. I'm thoroughly unsurprised. You trash the health of those currently enlisted, replace them with third-world mercenaries working for citizenship, and voila...you have the fall of the second Roman empire.

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The willingness of the elites to exploit people by their values and best intentions is despicable. If you pay attention, you will see how they use compassion, tolerance, loyalty, trust, generosity, patriotism etc against us. We need discernment and a return to instinct to get through this. We also need each other.

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Jun 15Liked by Ann Tomoko Rosen

A focus on the Military is just a foot in the door. These "food-like products" are intended to replace real food for EVERYONE.

This is what happens when humanity-hating globalist Eugenecists snatch the reins of power.

They want you dead, by as many means as possible.

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It feels like an epidemic of dehumanization. So much of science is targeting humanity.

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That’s more like Hitlers experiments on the Jews

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"Nano up!"

"Sir, yes sir!"

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Jun 17Liked by Ann Tomoko Rosen

I just saw this author give a fantastic presentation on this very topic: https://www.amazon.com/Unyielding-Marathons-Against-Illegal-Mandates/dp/1648210457

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Thanks for sharing.

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Thanks to E.O. 13139 "doctors" can now "legally" do what Joseph Mengele was put to death for, had it not been unconstitutional. You just cant make this stuff up.

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Yes. We really need to start reading EOs and proposed legislation. These laws all have such deceptive names ...

"Improving Health Protection of Military Personnel" = removing informed consent for blanket experimental medical intervention

"Freedom to Read Act" = exposing children to sexually explicit propaganda

"Women's Health Protection Act" = abortion

21st Century Cures Act = lower the bar for drug/device approval, remove manufacturer liability

National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act = hide vaccine injury in separate court, remove manufacturer liability


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....., or simply the Patriot Act. How patriotic is it to give away or take away inalienable God-given rights?

There are people in various states that have starting working on filling vacant seats at the county level (and there are many of them) to fight woke-ism and to get rid of the Israel firsters to name just two. It's a long haul, but someone has to start somewhere, or else nothing changes.

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Jun 15Liked by Ann Tomoko Rosen

Putins Scientists said many years ago that GMO poison crops & long term kill the soil permanently causing Cancer Neurological deseases Allergies Putin decided all food was to be grown organically and one day Russia will feed the world when the Western world farming is destroyed

Putin will not feed his people poisoned Lab grown meat Bill Gates WEF Globalists spent over a trillion investing in this bio sludge lab meat and will do anything to recoup their investment Like the Covid vaccines Wtf

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I remember being somewhat astonished by Putin's acknowledgement of harm from GMOs and other toxic practices. We never see that here. It was years ago and really got me asking more questions...

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