Excellent article capturing exactly what Herb Conaway is, a hypocritical villain. Thank you so much Ann for gracefully telling the story of the ugly, so beautifully. 💗💗💗💗

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Thank you, Katie. And thank you for all the ways you eased me into some ugly truths with an eye on solutions. Oxo

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He sounds more like a quack and tyrant than a doctor. "The DIFFICULTY GOVERNMENT HAS IN DECIDING..." that is precisely why the government HAS NO SAY in deciding our right to choose, especially in public health. I was at the protest in 2019 and was astounded at how many families with their children stood in the cold for hours and indoors to simply keep our rights from being trampled on by dictators.

“I was convinced when you took everything together, the uncomfortable nature of asking someone about their religious tenets, and the difficulty government has in deciding whether those religious tenets are bona fide, that it would be simpler to remove the religious exemption, in furtherance of the goal of near universal mandatory vaccination.” Conaway

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Yup... he's chasing the wrong goal. He has lost his way.

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My first step into medical freedom activism happened 6 years ago when I got involved with a consumer non-profit organization working to assure that the medicinal herb Kratom remains legal. It also works with distributors and exporters to maintain its purity and safety profile. Kratom, a leaf found exclusively in Southeast Asia is widely used by people who suffer from physical and mental pain and addiction. It’s also an alternative to caffeine providing a mood lift. In my time working with the American Kratom Association I’ve met numerous folks who have overcome their dependence on pain pills as well as antidepressants and even street drugs like heroin. Some have even overcome life threatening addiction. So why would the FDA be pushing so hard to keep this wonderful leaf off the market waging an endless propaganda campaign to convince state and local governments and health boards that it’s a dangerous and highly addictive substance? (They tried to ban it federally but the DEA refused to act upon their proposed scheduling after learning the truth from thousands of us who submitted public comments to them in 2016). Once again we see in Conaway and his back room cronies the way things work in the established Pharma-Industrial Complex. It’s just like the way we’ve watched inexpensive effective therapeutics both allopathic and natural be squashed to make room for the MRNA Shots and other profit driven drugs throughout this bogus emergency. Public health is no longer about protecting people who are suffering - it’s all about helping the rich and powerful become even more so.

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Wow. Thank you for your efforts, Jeff. I don't know much about Kratom, but I have heard that it's helped a lot of people. It's amazing how hard we have to work just to keep lucrative public health agendas from destroying people's health and potentially killing them.

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If you like I can give you some. Luckily I’m not in any physical pain but I discovered it a while back when I was going through a difficult time emotionally. Worked so much better than Paxil. But that’s all behind me. Now I take it instead of coffee. A nice little boost. The only downside is the taste :-)

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Thank you, Anna, for posting this! Laws prohibit mandates for EUA, unlicensed medical treatments including the unlicensed so-called "vaccines". See this website for details:


I send email to NJ state legislature committee per the stand for health freedom link you provided.

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Thank you! I didn’t know about this website.

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More well-placed vaccine pushers... "David Kaslow, chief science officer for PATH, will become the director of the Office of Vaccines Research and Review on Oct. 11...Kaslow has a long background in vaccine research, development and distribution. Before joining PATH, he led vaccines and infectious disease at Merck & Co.’s research laboratories for nearly six years and was an advisor to PATH’s Malaria Vaccine Initiative and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Earlier in his career, Kaslow worked in malaria vaccine development at the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases, where he studied the proteins involved in malaria parasite transmission to mosquitos."


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Great post. Thanks. People need to meet this evil creep.

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Thanks, Lisa.

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After reading the work on cholesterol, my view from a life of practice in general medicine is it has been a source of profit in statins for the reduction which was never required.

I never complied in taking samples for this, and developed an attitude of concern regards the fetish of too frequent blood pressure readings.

The formula of cholesterol illustrates the importance in metabolism with hormones.

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