Business of science or science of business? Choose wisely 😉

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Ann - Very well stated. I ran a business for over thirty years involving educational marketing. I got to know many professors, deans and other academics who always used to say how the quality of the students here was in free fall. These kids have no common sense they used to tell me. Unfortunately the same standard of ignorance seems to apply to so many of them these days. Well I guess the dumbing down we been watching over the years isn’t limited to just the misguided youth.

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Well, that's completely authoritarian behavior by the university and plants seeds that allows for even greater authoritarianism in the future.

I fully endorse everyone taking the old advice of Timothy Leary: Turn on, tune in, drop out.

There's a pretty good argument even that structured education doesn't make one smarter at all. It does make one better at trivia and allows for lots of myopic logic that doesn't question bigger things.

And regarding this line: "These COVID protocols are an example of policy-making that abandons science."

I know what you mean here, but I'd argue this is "science," and always has been. The whole Covid thing isn't a sudden swerve into corruption but a bending of the truth that was ongoing for a long time in numerous areas of research, maybe all in some regard, and by design in order to create a narrative convenient to oligarchs.

Big Science is a tool of the state going way back before the US was a thing, Rousseau wrote about it in the first discourse, but right now its incarnation is largely funded by the pentagon and corporations looking to grab any profitable patent they can.

Big Science isn't our friend or a friend to life on this planet.

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Yes. I see what you mean about science. It’s now a word that means something entirely different to different people. My statement wasn’t referring to “science” as my own standard, but rather to theirs … which wiggles (as science does) to accommodate agenda.

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Yes, here is my list of ways the beautiful and impartial scientific method is used and abused by the Bigs to mislead the casual observer https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/how-power-couple-pharma-regulation

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If enrollment fell 50%, it wouldn't matter how much money they are getting from pharma. They could not function. They could not stay open. This is 100% on the sheep still obeying.

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Yes. Culturally, we're still operating from a place of fear and scarcity. Not sure what it will take to break the spell...

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Leaving a cult is hard.

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