Phenomenal digging.

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Thank you.

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Could you post information on how to find the local public health boards - city and county - so we can attend? Public health boards are really a 4th branch of government which the executive, legislative and judicial branches all defer to.

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NJStandsup is a great resource. This page (https://njstandsup.org/stop-health-code-changes) has a link to local health department info as well as other information on a NJDOH initiative to make some troubling changes to NJ public health policy.

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I printed out the local city and county info pages and G-d willing will call and find out about meeting schedules.

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Things at our health department changed when they were required to be accredited through the Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB). This is when the health departments started to reflect national interests instead of local and started using the same public health lingo. They must be accredited to apply for grants.

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Great info! Thanks. I’ll have to do some more digging into PHAB. This is new territory for me. When did that change occur at your health department?

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I applied to speak at the annual NACCHO conference a few years back. My application was very straightforward and non-controversial. It focused on rising autism prevalence and cost and highlighted a couple studies that have linked toxicants with autism. My application was rejected right away and it all felt very odd (I'm more qualified than their usual speakers). Now I see that they are the foxes guarding the tasty tasty chickens.

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Ugh. The creepazoidery!! So much makes sense in hindsight… in the worst way. But I do love all the ways you’ve tried to enter these discussions!

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Wow. Thank you for sharing. I wasn’t aware of how actively this particular drug was withheld, although it’s not surprising considering how other treatments were suppressed. Your son was lucky to have an advocate like you. So much choice was removed to accommodate agenda. I hope he is fully recovered and doing well now.

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It's not a coincidence that NJ public health operatives were rushing to eliminate religious exemptions right at the beginning of 2020. While those operatives may not have known why, they were following directives to move to consolidate power before the advent of the newest 'plague' hoping to have the the exemption eliminated like it was in NY.

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This article exposes the far reach of the CDC’s Epidemiology Intelligence Service in controlling local Boards of Health (although the article does not mention EIS and maybe the author is not aware of its existence.)

This is why calls to fire Dr. F are meant to distract people from the web of public health officers operating against the Constitution and the citizenry.

The only solution is to understand that Public Health is the Fifth Column and must be dismantled, as I describe here: https://rabbismith.substack.com/p/dismantle-public-health-infrastructure

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