I was asked on Facebook recently if I was going to vote for Trump now that RFK, Jr. has thrown his support to him. I said I really didn't want to vote for either party but was hoping for a third option, but that I couldn't vote for the Democrats after what they have done to RFK, Jr., so I would probably vote for Trump in hopes that he would give Kennedy an important position. That did not go over very well. But sometimes you have to test the waters among your friends and acquaintances... and then retreat back to only being honest on Substack, twitter, and reddit.

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Ugh. Sorry. I hear you. My Kennedy lawn sign has caused quite a stir. Last week it was stolen, then replaced the next day. And apparently a prominent member of my community has just denounced me on FB insinuating that I’m a Trump supporter. It’s a tough time for independent thinking.

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Even though I wrote that I was not a fan of Trump but now might vote for him due to RFK, I immediately became a "Trumper" to some people. I even wrote that I have doubts about the veracity of the assassination attempt (which I do), and that there are legitimate critiques of Trump (i.e, Whitney Webb). But I also pointed out that it was a little odd that Biden dropped out via a Twitter post on unofficial stationary on a Sunday, and then Harris was installed as the candidate and there was no primary process. My Democrat friends seem not to have noticed. In fact they seem stuck in 2016- it was all about abortion, J.K. Rowling's bigotry, and the censorship attempts that to them are entirely coming from the right side of the aisle. Unsure if they have heard of the twitter files. Also one person insisted that the infant mortality rate is up because Trump's stance on abortion has caused religious women to stop going to the doctor due to fear of an "abortion procedure" being performed on them, and this has resulted in the deaths of their children. Riddle me that one. When I responded that the infant mortality rate was up due to the Covid vaccine, it was immediately demanded that I provide sources to back up such an outrageous claim.

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It's sad. The level of misunderstanding is so acute. Bablyon all over again.

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Sasha Stone has a great Substack https://sashastone.substack.com/p/they-love-bombed-us-with-kamala including especially a clip of Vivek Ramaswamy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2G5-Tt71fA detailing how the big companies, including the big Silicon Valley social media networks (apart from Twitter / X) do a trade ("mutual prostitution", he calls it) whereby the corporates support DEI, the trans-activist shit fest, Net Zero etc. - and censorship of speech contrary to Woke principles - in return for the lefties not blowing the whistle on their profits, corruption and monopolies.

The Democrats seem to exist in their own tribal bubble. Hating and fearing the Orange Man justifies anything and everything. They get this way - at least the leaders of the cult of what passes for the left these days - by individually trying to out-do each other in terms of virtuous thought and speech.

As the direction of the party has been deliberately skewed away from former concerns about working people, they have adapted to the changing tribal priorities in order to retain and enhance their membership of the tribe.

Being accepted and ideally revered in the tribe is advantageous to job prospects, promotion, mating strategies etc. The progressive tribe dominates whole sectors of society, including the helping professions, education industries, human resources and the mainstream media. To be cast out of the tribe would have profound impacts on friendship networks, family relations, the ability to earn a living and to have one's children socially accepted regarding choice of friends, and success in schooling and sports.

So many or most people take the path of least incremental resistance and attune their efforts to complying with the changing (over decades) dictates of whatever it means to be a member of their previously (however imperfectly) working-class-focused tribe and party. Those who adapt the best *lead* the trends by performatively expressing more and more extreme versions of such trends

For example, the extraordinary extremes of "shout your abortion": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJfo-T55SHs&t=12s 2018 Oprah Magazine promotes "Shout Your Abortion" hashtag and movement headed by Amelia Bonow: https://shoutyourabortion.com.

Another extreme which no-one could have predicted is the continued support for trans or at least supposedly trans M->F people even though they trample on women in every way, while pretending to *be* women, and insisting that everyone treat them as women, when they are the most ungracious, unfeminine, obnoxious and offensive set of celebrated people on Earth.

Its all a result of the algorithm Wokesters adopt for their self-soothing, guilt avoidance (make someone else righteously guilty and you have done a good day's work, to assuage the guilt of being white, wealthy, etc.), social climbing performative virtue signaling, by which they vie to outdo each other. Women as an oppressed class in need of care and protection and so worthy of adopting as an ally? So last century. Now, everyone who strives to be Good has much more urgently needful oppressed people to prioritise. Trans people are flavor of the decade in this respect.

There's an element of brazen theatrical horror in this Wokism, like when siege armies catapulted heads of the castle's soldiers, or entire living soldiers and other captives, over the parapets to demoralise the occupants. Now its an otherwise superficially attractive woman of child-bearing age proudly wearing a "Shout Your Abortion" T-shirt, or holding aloft with glee box labelled "ABORTION PILLS", as on the front page of https://shoutyourabortion.com/. It strikes fear into the heart of the enemy - so it is a good day's work.

Likewise celebrating the most unlikely M->F purported trans people as actual women.

All that matters is the upset caused to the enemy and how extreme the wokester can be in their purity and devotion to correct-think.

So many cycles of their head being rammed up their own inappropriate bodily orifice that the resulting anatomy defies concrete description . . . "recursive spirals", "pretzels to the nth power" . . . . . . what can adequately describe what these people have twisted themselves into in even one realm, such as fanning the flames of the trans-activist shit fest, and so forcing monstrous males into women's spaces and using schools, doctors and counselors to goad vulnerable teenage girls into thinking they have been "misgendered at birth" and would be happier if they grew a beard and had their breasts surgically removed.

The grotesque extremes of the current pseudo-left cult are devastating individuals and dividing families and the whole country.

This is a tribe of blind people, running around themselves in circles, shouting about the horrible world outside their circle, but controlling the government, the military and the medical system, while those who profit from the vast military expenditures and all the illness and expensive treatment arrangements fund them. They do this, in large part, as the path of least resistance in their effort to retain membership of, and perhaps to rise in and lead, their current tribe.

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I have to wait until I’m in front of a computer to read this again and check out Sasha’s post. That’s a lot to unpack, but none of it sounds implausible at this point…

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Excellent analysis

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Thank you, Marice.

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The Democrats are now the party of corporate greed and obscene wealth ….what used to be called elite. The proper term for them is sociopath.

Republican party is now the party working people. Your friends are just so unknowing and ignorant.

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Evan, if she is smart, understands that she owes her libtard, idiot friends, family and doctor a silent thank you, for the detox that she would never have done on her own. If she is smart, she will allow the intervention like attacks to expel her form the leftist cesspool, of ideological mind enslavement.

It is one of the only good things about the maniacal levels, these radicals have reached in their mental illness and "true believerhood".

Hopefully, she will move quickly past the denial - in order to avoid the mental/emotional loss - and get on with distancing herself from the poison and abuse, she once saw literally as divine.

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Evan is smart enough to remember the values that inspired her to volunteer in the first place. She’s smart enough to see the discrepancies. And she’s brave enough to acknowledge them. The important things remain intact.

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