
Thank you for pulling together so much in one post!

Sadly, many in the public want censorship. Why? They don't want to take any responsibility for the nuances of good health. They want to go on buying processed junk from the supermarket and having the doctor give them a pill.

Living as a responsible adult is too hard for many, better to binge Netflix then take the time to cook a meal with whole foods. Easier to get a prescription filled and "heroically" share your story when others ask, "what did the doctor say?" Just look at the ads constantly reminding us to ask "our provider" for even more pills.

They don't want to know the nuances of vaccination, they want to believe there is only one choice to make.

Our freedom to choose is a reminder that they can choose otherwise and they don't want to be reminded.

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Thank you for reading... this post seemed to take on a life of its own. Yes, I've been thinking a lot about this personal responsibility aspect. Taking responsibility for our choices can be hard. Freedom can be scary.

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Thank you for this AND for the Medium-deleted article you linked within this post:


Can you say, when was that originally posted on Medium (and then deleted within 24 hours, as you have mentioned)?

I ask because, having sat out most of the 20-teens regarding the snowballing institutionalized medical and scientific corruption (in part because I'd already had my fill, up close and personal, during the aughts, with my wife's long illness and death), I missed a lot of the pretzeling of themselves these censors engaged in to try to justify their squelching of speech. Prior to the COVID-ClownWorld propaganda project that was unleashed with full force on the populace in 2020, I wasn't paying as much attention to the perversion of science.

Regarding your Medium article (now on GreenMedInfo), thanks also for pointing out the official change of definition of "science" in Merriam-Webster: "the state of knowing: knowledge as distinguished from ignorance or misunderstanding."

Truly, I am not being silly when I re-reinterpret these bankrupt nondefinitions. I believe it is one way that we can retrieve language from the propagandists' dust-heaping of human civilization:

(from my own non-"Merriam-Webster," my alterations in brackets) "the state of [pretending to have] knowledge as distinguished from [admitting craven, willful] ignorance or misunderstanding[, which is an introspective first step that must precede credible scientific discourse in an environment of censorship and rampant corruption]."

There, I fixed it. (And, by the way, THAT's my definition of PsyDunce.)

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