I really appreciate your thinking and your writing. I agree completely. The infighting is unfortunate, and some of it is by design, some arises from within. Some egos get in the way of our higher purpose. Sometimes we are pitted against each other, like right and left. I feel like disparagement is our national sport. Thanks for your contribution to the healing process.

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I don't think that virus/no virus is the hill, or at least not directly. The hill is proven/unproven. The entire pandemic was part of a systematic attack on meaning and sense; masks, social distancing, martial law, all of them are inversions of reality. That is the classic trick of totalitarianism; to get people to say up is down, black is white, and to accept things without evidence, and so one of the foundational defences against the march of totalitarianism becomes truth. There's no evidence for contagious viruses just as there's no evidence that vaccines prevent you catching them, and so for people who purport to be fighting for freedom to stay wedded to a them doesn't seem to me like a a small thing, it seems like everything.

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