Sep 12, 2022Liked by Ann Tomoko Rosen

I just finished reading this post from "Tessa Fights Robots" & l am so glad that you are sharing this as well on your Substack!

The topic of Chemtrails & Geoengineering seems to finally be coming out to the general public....thank goodness!

If you and/or your subscribers are interested there is a Substack called "Ray Horvath, The Source" where it was discussed indepth on 8/19/22. Lots of info in the comment section.

Mankind (and the natural world) is currently under seige from so many evil agendas in this day & age but the point must be made....fighting & conquering all the evil agendas is all for naught if we have no world to inhabit!

We must stop what the "elite globalists" are doing with their insane Geoengineering! The more people that join together to stop this the better chance we have to save our world for future generations!

Thank-you Ann for sharing this!

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From 2012:


The prospect of a geoengineering thermostat raises a host of difficult poli- cy and legal questions. These questions cannot simply be ignored, as pres- sures to geoengineer will only increase unless we promptly and drastically reduce carbon emissions. Spurred by eager researchers, supportive wealthy donors, and industries seeking to profit from geoengineering con- tracts, geoengineering efforts are likely to move forward, and in doing so, to confront us with the conflicts embodied in the thermostat metaphor. Although the questions raised by geoengineering seemingly do not de- mand immediate resolution, inattention to the thermostat dilemma may limit subsequent options, commit us to less-than-desirable courses of ac- tion, and preclude careful and inclusive deliberation." https://law.ucdavis.edu/sites/g/files/dgvnsk10866/files/media/documents/GeoE.Thermostat.LawOfTheFuture.pdf

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Im having such a hard time accepting this.....why can't they just be transparent if they aren't harming us? I see that they are harming us but i don't understand this. I did subscribe to Ray Horvath as suggested by the first comment. Help me understand 🙏

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It’s Contrails not Chemtrails

According to chemtrail conspiracists, the government continually sprays us with chemicals that we see as spreading white substances behind jets. This shows an amazing ignorance of basic science.

A jet doesn’t leave a white trail when it takes off, nor when it’s flying low. But when it climbs high into very cold air, the story changes.

Jets burn kerosene. If you’ve ever used a kerosene heater or lamp, you’ve smelled the exhaust products. These include water vapor, bits of carbon soot, some carbon compounds like methane and trace amounts of impurities like metals. When jets climb above 30,000 feet, the air is so cold at -40 degrees that the exhaust’s water vapor instantly freezes into ice crystals. This is a contrail, a short white line behind the engines. It often dissipates in seconds, as each crystal sublimates back to invisible vapor.

Jets often zoom through such cold air, and it can take a long time for the contrail ice to vaporize. Higher humidity preserves it, too. The contrail then lingers as a long white line across the entire sky. Winds typically distort these into various curves. If the air mass is very humid, the exhaust’s soot particles enter the picture to act as condensation nuclei – like cloud seeding – to produce a thicker contrail as surrounding atmospheric vapor freezes as well. The ice crystal formation spreads out. Rarely, in very high humidity, the contrail can act as the “starter” for a cloud covering the sky.

People into meteorology and aeronautics have observed and photographed all these various contrail varieties since the 1930s. Contrail science is even taught in college courses. Experts can assess the temperature, humidity and winds at various altitudes simply by observing them.

These artificial pencil clouds reflect sunlight into space. A few years ago scientists were concerned that jet traffic would therefore have a cooling effect on the planet. But now concern over global warming has dispensed with that issue.

The folks who regard contrails suspiciously obviously don’t know what they are. Several websites claim that the US military is deliberately spraying a substance upon the population – an idea that meteorologists find ludicrous.

If you’ve ever watched crop-dusting, or seen videos of Agent Orange being sprayed during the Vietnam War, you know that chemicals must always be released very close to the ground – preferably treetop-level. If released high up, they dissipate and take forever to get down, with an ultimate soil concentration of essentially zero.

Commercial pilots (along with the controllers at the FAA) would all have to go along with the plot, since they’d see the process happening. Every pilot I know of says that’s not happening.

What would be the purpose? Some say it’s to sow disease. But why would anyone use airplanes? There are much simpler, cheaper and more effective ways to spread disease, if one wanted to do that.

Some say that “chemtrails” are a government project to combat global warming. But why should such a laudable and expensive effort be kept hush-hush?

These same spreading-out contrails have been observed all around the world. If it’s a secret government thing, everyone else is doing it too – and long before global warming was even thought to exist.

Logic never placates the paranoid. They claim that soil tests show dangerous substances in the soil everywhere, but even amateur weather-watchers readily recognize these as contrail phenomena observed since before the Second World War: no mystery, and nothing sinister at all.

We’ve got enough challenges without getting distracted by make-believe.

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