Aug 7Edited

I found the CDC Vaccine Excipient Summary document on the Internet Archive/WaybackMachine.

The last date they have is July 14, 2024. It appears that the "Pink Book" while it says appendices contain excipient data *they do not.* I just looked through them. The CDC website references the FDA website here:


You’re correct though, there is not more CDC Vaccine Excipient Summary document anymore.

I did find this from Johns Hopkins:


They have documents there that people can download.

The CDC website now directs you to hear. This is a list of all of the licensed vaccines for use in the US. Here you can drill down to the particular vaccine you’re looking for and get the excipient data there.


I’ll do a post about this as well. People need this data when trying to exempt themselves or their children from required vaccines. I know how doctors are, and they're not going to consider anything that isn't from the FDA, or the CDC. Because it must be "official."

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Thank you!

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No way! I just thought of something.

The date of the Trump phone call to RFK Jr. was on July 14! The last day that the CDC Vaccine Excipient list was available.

Remember, they discussed childhood vaccines on that leaked phone call.

There's no way that's a coincidence. 🤔

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Nice catch!

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The first video is heartbreaking. I certainly didn’t have this information when my girls were born in the 80s or when my grandkids were born. They aren’t getting anymore jabs as of 4 years ago. No wonder they are censoring the ingredients…

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Wow! I never knew all this. It’s mind boggling. The evil among us!

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Thank you for sharing this! I was just looking for the excipient lists the other day and had trouble finding the links I had used before. Your post explains a lot.

The fact that tissues from aborted babies are used in manufacturing vaccines is the one thing I wish I had known when I was a new mother. Sadly, I never read the labels. And no doctor, nurse, preacher, elder, Titus 2 woman, pro-life activist - no one who knew I was a Christian (and therefore pro-life) ever said a word.

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Sadly, just about everyone who has received these shots was denied real informed consent.

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Yes! I've never heard pro-lifers raise this! Nor vegans for that matter! - then again I guess vegans tend to value animal life more than human life.

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For the most part, pro-lifers stay away from this topic.

However, Georgia Right to Life did send out an email to their followers in Jan 2021 warning that the covid shots were all associated with abortions. They explained that J&J contained aborted fetal tissue while the other two brands were ‘tested’ on aborted baby tissues.

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Thank you ATR - I agree, the deeper you dig, the darker it gets. I have to believe that our Lord lives in the Light of Truth & the Truth shall set us FREE. Blessings for your OUTstanding article. It's funny, not funny, that there are ingredients on EVERYthing you purchase - even shampoo bottles. The corrupt CDC is scrubbing what's inside the toxic bioweapon to harm us - a global democide, engineered by the DoD & others. In GOD we Trust ...

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Thank you, Susan.

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The video of the aborted baby is absolutely brutal. Immediately brought tears to my eyes. When did science become this heartless and callous?

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Yes. It sickening me. And I think it’s been this way for quite a while. Waking up to this is not for the faint of heart.

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Aug 10Edited

Okay, so I haven't read/watched the whole thing... I'm still stuck at vaccines are developed using aborted fetal cells.... I googled this and lo and behold, it's freely acknowledged in many places. I feel so ill. I had no idea. No idea whatsoever.

Thank you immensely for bringing this to my attention. (Perhaps the worst of it all, I cannot share this information with others I know because they will think I'm insane..... )

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Thank you for having an open enough mind to consider this disturbing truth. There are many problematic ingredients, but the backstory around aborted fetal cells demonstrates how far they are willing to go on multiple levels. Sadly, anyone who's open is getting red-pilled one way or another. It IS insane. Dehumanizing science is insane (both as a noun and a verb). It's important to see it for what it has become. This is the $cience we're told to trust.

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If we don't speak out we contribute to the lie. Ann, myself and many others have been taking heat for many years for sharing the truth about the complete lack of vaccine safety studies and the corrupt CDC/NIH/FDA. Now that you know, I hope you will find the courage to share the truth with others so that eventually our numbers will be so large and our voices so loud that we cannot be gaslit and silenced.

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You’re one of the OGs, Sally. So grateful you held space for the rest of us while we were figuring it out 🙏❤️.

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Thank you, Ann! We’ve come a long way since my eyes were opened back in 1995!

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I get it. But please give me 5 minutes to catch my breath. I'm still in shock! I have no problem sharing about the lack of vaccine studies which I've been aware of for about 6 months or so. The "developed from aborted fetal cells" I need to consider how to approach this to ensure I don't completely shut down the person I'm talking to.

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Of course! As I’m sure Ann will confirm I have the same problem. It’s hard to stay calm and rational when you know the evil truth.

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Great news! OpenVaers.com has created a coded excipient list for each vaccine on the schedule. Great resource to bookmark and share. https://openvaers.com/resources/vaccine-excipients

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